Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Interlinear Bible - Word Studies in early Alpha stages. Please use the link to the right. Unzip the folder into theWord directory use InterlinearProject.exe to run the program.

Please review the following before using the program.

Help on the general usage of the program:

An over all image of the program.
Here is the over all of the program Interlinear - Word Study.
There are 4 main sections.  
1. Main Tool bar 
2. Interlinear Bible View  
3.  Word Study view (A/B)
4. Word Study Graphs

View of the Main Toolbar
Options menu has Skin choices.
(It also includes an Advance section when enabled - for those who want to create new Bibles)
Windows menu has the 3 main views
Reference edit
Reference over lets you decide how many verses you want to display in the Interlinear view.
Like is similar to putting a * after your reference in a search. John 1 + Like will show
John 1, John 11, etc. use this option carefully

 View of the Interlinear
-S Shows the settings for the Bible as well as its information.
-The tabs are the Bibles available
-Please note each Bible can have its own settings. (Discussed in more details latter)
-The verse reference for a particular Bible is shown in a hint popup after the verse.  (The idea behind this is to help us not be so tied to verses)
-You can right click a word and then search for it in the Word Study view.

View of Word Study A
-Search for a particular word in the edit box
-The number is the rule number that is being searched.
-On check is a check to let you change the rule number
-Like check is for those who want to use wild cards in there search. Presently heaven% will give you heaven, heavens, etc. or %eaven% will give you heaven, heavens, leaven, etc.
-Total count how many times the specific word is found in the rule searched. 
-ms In milliseconds how long the search took
-Highlight Color  we will address in View B
-Right click you can load the Reference into the Interlinear view

View of the Word Study Graph Set
-There is a graph for each rule of the Bible searched
-Remember to make the graph height enough to see the word groups
-Each word group is right click-able which can be shown in Word Study B View
-Right click also allows you to see the header of the word groups

View of Word Study B
This is the view shown after a right click and show verses in the Graph word groups
-Highlight Color this is the color of the word right clicked in the Graph word groups
-Right click you can load the reference into the Interlinear view

View of the Settings
There are two tabs Settings & Information

You can change the settings for each rule.
(Presently this affects, Interlinear View and Word Study B View)
Once you change the settings in this box make sure to apply them to the rule

 These settings affect the Interlinear view.

-Word Study
These settings affect the Word Study B videw.

-Word Study Graphs
These settings affect the graphs view.

You will find publishing information about the Bible, version information etc.
-Right now I'm looking for people to test if it loads up on their computer and works. If you could send me any bugs you encounter to
Make sure to include your version of Windows thank you.

-I use this program alongside theWord in my Bible studies.

-please note the Bibles are only for testing purposes presently they may not all be released. I have more studying to do on copyright permission etc. 

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