Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Testing connecting to theWORD -
    - testing linking into theWORD so far the Reference is linked you will see a new button tW---CIWT or tW-x-CIWT
    - You will need to have at least version of theWORD for this to work

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tips on Looking up words in theWord Dictionaries

Tip on using the Interlinear-WordStudy Companion tool with theWord

Right click a strongs number in the Interlinear tool and go to Copy.

Now you can paste that number in a dictionary input box.

Unfortunately this process is not automated perhaps in the future.

To automate it somewhat use: Auto HotKey http://www.autohotkey.com/

Create a script similiar to this one: Not the first Click line is very important. This is the location of the screen coordinates of the Dictionary Input box in theWord. Once this script is activated with the correct screen coordinates and you copy for example a strongs number then press alt+s it should put this information into your dictionary input box and return your mouse to its previous location.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos
Click 2170, 60
Click 2
Send %clipboard%
Send {Right}
Send {Enter}
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}
MouseMove %xpos%, %ypos%

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Distribution of the Interlinear-Word Study Tool

This tool may freely be distributed as long as the following requirements are met.
  1. There is no charge for the software. You may charge for the cd, dvd, or usb drive cost and or labor for creating the cd, dvd, or usb drive but no charge may be made for the program itself.
  2. I do not necessarily agree doctrinally with all distributors of this software. Please do not put my mark of approval upon your cd, dvd, or usb unless I directly state I agree with you doctrinally.
  3. The use of this software may be withdrawn if the above requirements are abused. 
  4. Note these requirements are subject to change.
By: Jonathan Koehn

Saturday, December 7, 2013 Released    -   
   - you can now once again put the program directory anywhere just make sure to select a dictionary directory
    - Please set your dictionary directory on the first time start up.
    - If you need to change the dictionary directory go to Options>Settings
    - please note it doesn't search in subdirectories yet for dictionaries, perhaps in future versions

Friday, December 6, 2013 released - theWord4 Dictionary support added

A major addition you can now use Dictionaries from theWord4
As long as they are a dictionary that is not secure (somewhat meaning non-encrypted)

Please make sure to follow the following information    -
    - Added Dictionaries support to the Interlinear view
    - make sure the Interlinear folder is installed into theWord4 folder otherwise you will get an error
        -it must have access to the Books folder, if you are having an error make sure this folder is also in theWord4 if not let me know
    - make sure to redownload Bibles they now can have a dictionary per row
    - Check out under options in the main view for some default dictionary settings
    - check out Bible settings to now set a dictionary per row, you can leave it default to use default dictionary
        - this is useful for having different dictionaries for strongs, morphology, lemma, etc.