Thursday, January 30, 2014 - uploaded - major changes to comparision panel to make it more user friendly -
    - redone comparision panel to make it more user friendly
    - added a paste to compare section named Pri and Sec
    - added fontsize buttons to Compare section
    - disabled dictionaries (no point in reinventing the wheel, when theWORD has great dictionaries)
    - hope to link to these dictionaries more directly for now if you copy and then paste your word into
      theWORD dictionary is best.

Saturday, January 25, 2014 - uploaded - Includes Comparision panel check it out! -
    - Word Study Paste added to Interlinear view, simply puts the term in the Word Study area so you don't have to copy and paste yourself.
    - (fixed) bug in loading encrypted RV1909 Bible database
    - added in Interlinear, WordStudy (Search & Context) a way to sink up a reference to theWORD.
    - name changed to (-Accuracy-)
    - add references to context tab
    - added comparision panel

Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Uploaded -
 - updated check boxes to buttons
 - rearranged Search areas buttons
 - added the ability to search using a Bible different then the one in Interlinear if you so choose.
 - (fixed) bug found in searching using the fast search method, if you get an SQL error try turning this method off

Two new Bibles uploaded

These are one row only so not really interlinears but may be beneficial.
WH - Westcott-Hort
RV60 - Reina Valera 1960

KJVo now uploaded

KJV has been updated to the new optional generally faster search method.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Bibles that are enabled for optional search method

Hebrew BHS+o

Please redownload these to try the optional search method on them.
If a Bible does not have the necessary attributes to use optional search it simply reverts to regular search. Available for testing -
 - version now displayed
 - basic splash screen with version shown
 - took away select all on click in Search 
   combo box (because of a bug in trying to 
   type a word that has similar letters to 
    a previous search)
 - bug found in CompareWideStr1to2 
   function (fixed)
 - Other search method enabled 
   (Only works on Bibles that 
   have been made to use it 
   they have an o in their version)
   Please let me know if it is a great 
   deal faster and if slower when/how

Wednesday, January 1, 2014